Chairman's message
I would like to start by thanking everyone for their invaluable dedication to our school mission and supporting our belief that learning never stops. I can assure you that our wonderful academic and business office team are committed to serve the best interest of our students in spite current challenges. I would also like to provide you with the comfort of knowing that despite this unprecedented period, I am confident that humanity will prevail and we will return to school premise with a stronger will and desire.
We admire the esteemed efforts of the Amir of Kuwait for putting in place effective measures such as social distancing and curfews to ensure the safety of citizens and residents alike. While following national directives, we have made health and wellbeing of our school community without compromising our student’s education our number one priority. We have worked consistently to ensure that education continues for our students while supporting the needs of our academic team.
To update you with what is happening behind the scenes, our dedicated team of teachers have prepared a significant number of engaging activities for our students, as listed below:
1. We have invested in various tools to provide free e-Learning for our students. We are using trusted platforms for curriculum delivery and conducting online classes.
2. We have sourced several self-learning courses from leading institutions worldwide and have provided those links via our online platform so students can access a variety of topics and lessons using their login information.
3. We are providing professional development courses for our teachers in order to continue to sharpen and improve their knowledge and skills.
As mentioned, all the activities will be provided complimentary to our students, parents and teachers and we encourage all to take advantage of this opportunity.
Ministry of Education is looking to open private schools once students, teachers and families have received their vaccinations. We will keep you updated when there are new developments.
We look forward to welcoming you on campus again soon.
KO Mathew