Academic Enrichment
At ICS, we emphasize academic enrichment by teaching the students the skills that can help them to make a difference in the community. We introduce several advanced skill development programs at different grade levels to prepare our students with the right tools for their secured future.

Cognitive Learning Program
The Cognitive Learning Program is a method of learning that promotes the effective use of brains among students. By performing this learning process, the students will thoroughly engage and feel easy to learn, think, and remember. Cognitive learning teaches us how to learn and achieve effortlessly.
At ICS, your child will get to know the various cognitive learning strategies to improve his/her focus on purposeful learning. Instead of counting on quick learning styles like memorization and repetition, our instructors teach students lifelong learning fundamentals. Your child will know how to use the strategies and skills effectively and move to higher grades in academics.
Robotics Program
The ICS Robotics Program allows students to dive deep into the technological world. A child gets to explore how robotic designs and computer programming can solve problems of today and tomorrow. Teaching robotics in the classroom helps them to discover their interests corresponding to the future job market. When a child starts providing emphasis on this meaningful problem-based learning, it helps them to improve their strategic problem-solving and analytical skills. It also hands the key to the door for the world full of exciting opportunities that benefit their choices for future career pathways.